Virtuema – 2. obletnica

Virtuema je 22. junija praznovala 2. obletnico delovanja.

V tem času sem vzpostavil osnovno infrastrukturo in mrežo strank. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste mi v teh dveh letih kakor koli pomagali pri delu in razvoju podjetja.

Veselim se nadaljnjega sodelovanja z vsemi. Obljubljam, da se bom še naprej trudil za kakovost in dobre poslovne odnose.

Virtuema celebrated its 2nd anniversary on 22 June.

Since its establishment, I’ve set up the basic infrastructure and a network of clients. A sincere thank you to everybody who has helped me in any way in my work and the development of the company.

I am looking forward to further cooperation with all of you. I promise that I will continue to strive for quality and good professional relationships.

Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum.
[Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever.]

Marcus Tullius Cicero
De optimo genere oratorum (Über die beste Gattung von Rednern)

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